Anime: Blue Spring Ride (Ao Haru Ride)
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Drama
Overall Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Here is a video version of this review, incase you were wondering:
Here is a video version of this review, incase you were wondering:
General Setup: Yoshioka Futaba had a crush on a classmate in junior high, named Tanaka Kou. He was kind and quiet and he liked her too. They agree to meet and go to a festival together, but Kou disappears from Yoshioka’s life suddenly before returning their first year of high school. This Kou is very different from the person Yoshioka knew in junior high. He even has a different last name. Yoshioka wonders what made him move away and caused him to change.
Characters: Yoshioka has adopted mannerisms such as overeating that are unladylike. She does this to throw off attention from boys and allow her to be accepted by the girls. One thing I liked about her was that when she made a true girl-friend she does not let anything get in the way of their friendship. Yoshioka’s first true friend is Yuri Makita. She has the opposite habit of Yoshioka and acts girly on purpose to attract attention. Since junior high Kou has become more negative and harsh. He can also be rude and sarcastic, sometimes without meaning to.
Plot: The plot centers around whether or not Yoshioka and Kou will get back together.
Ending: The anime ends nicely. Not all the strings are tied up, but it still feels resolved.
Things to Watch For: This anime is pretty clean. There are a few instances, like when Kou pins Yoshioka down to demonstrate how vulnerable she is and to enforce his warning to not go into certain areas of town alone.
Humor: Most of the humor comes from situations the characters find themselves in that are embarrassingly funny.
Sights and Sounds: The animation is average, if a little flat. But I really liked the song they used for the opening. The soundtrack has a relaxed feel.
Moral Lessons: Take charge when change is needed. Big holes made from grief can be filled with small pieces. Loving something can bring pain, but it is worth it.
Other Media: Ao Haru Ride is based off a manga by Io Sakisaka. The manga has ended. The anime does not cover all of the manga, but follows it pretty well up to the point it cuts off. There is also an ongoing light novel series and a live action movie.
Fillers: There are no fillers.
Length: The anime is short, with 13 episodes.
Where to Watch: Ao Haru Ride is available on Crunchyroll and Hulu, but the last episode is missing.
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