Note: This post is addressing the topic of cosplay and Christianity, but it is also written by a Christian, to Christians as a whole.
Believe it or not, this is a topic that is met with a fair amount of controversy in religious circles. If one were to google “should Christians cosplay” (as I did recently - because I was bored and curious) they would be met with a wide variety of responses, ranging in emotional temperature from calm and cool to BOILING HOT! Today I am going to give my own opinion on the topic. I do not expect everyone to agree with me, in fact I know that that is not the case, but I hope you will hear me out.
Cosplay, like practically everything else that has existed ever, is NOT inherently evil. However, this does not mean that it is not without it’s dangers. I think it is perfectly okay for Christians to cosplay. In fact, several evangelism ministries have been founded around the premise of cosplay (Note: As a rule I am not big on tracts to evangelize, but that is a discussion for another time). Christians are called to ‘be in the world, but not of it.’ Some would take this to mean that Christians have to live on earth (until Christ comes back), but they should be separated from the world in terms of lifestyle and values. I would agree with that, but I would also like to add that Christians should not seclude themselves from their unbelieving neighbors. Christ did not call us to remain isolated. Instead, we should be actively involved in the lives of non-believers. It is because of this that I see nothing wrong with engaging in activities that non-believers also enjoy.
Okay, you may be asking, we’ve established that it is okay for Christians to participate in cosplay, but are there any exemptions to that rule? Sort of. Because we are involved in the world to reveal Christ’s love and his saving grace (this is what true Christians should be doing. I would like to personally apologize to all of you who have had a bad experience with someone who called themselves a Christian, but didn’t act like it) we must remember that we have a reputation to uphold.
So, for you Christian cosplayers out there: I think what you are doing is awesome! Rock on! But, you have to remember: people are watching! Let me repeat that: PEOPLE ARE WATCHING!!! Okay, that sounded a little strange. Let me back up a bit. I’m not trying to insinuate that big brother is watching, but merely remind you that Christians are Christ’s representatives on earth. When people wonder what this whole ‘Christianity’ thing is, they look to Christians around them to show them who Christ is. Be aware of your behavior and make sure you are acting in a way that is honorable and wholesome.
Also, please walk the walk just like you talk the talk - don’t be a hypocrite! If you go to a convention with non-Christian friends who know you are a Christian and you act in way that is inappropriate and contradictory to what the Bible says (ex. revealing outfit, costume from a dirty genre, bad language, acting like a general jerk, ect.) then you are not only ruining your witness to your friends, but you are tainting their view of Christianity in general by acting in an un-Christ-like manner. Regardless if you are a Christian or not, you shouldn’t act like a jerk.
In conclusion, there is nothing that should keep a Christian from cosplaying. In essence, cosplaying is simply putting on a costume--imagine the riots that would happen if Christianity outlawed “dress-up” for little kids! That being said, that does not mean that it is ok to act in a way contradictory to Christ while cosplaying. It’s not a pass to dress however you want, or treat people in a way that demeans them. Creativity is celebrated within Christianity, so have fun with it, just remember to treat people with respect and kindness.
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